3 No-Brainer Stocks to Buy With $200 Right Now

Investing in stocks and farming share several things in common. Both require upfront commitments of resources. Both involve some occasional weeding or pruning. And to be successful at either one requires plenty of waiting.

There's one other similarity between investing and farming that's important to remember: Small seeds can grow into big harvests. You don't need a ton of money to get started investing if you pick the right stocks. With that in mind, here are three no-brainer stocks you can buy with only $200 right now.

You won't need much of your initial $200 to buy a few shares of Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE: EPD). The midstream energy stock trades at around $27 right now. It's not just cheap on a per-share basis. Enterprise Products Partners is also a bargain with a forward price-to-earnings ratio of close to 10.

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Source Fool.com