3 Passive-Income Stock Secrets You'll Wish You Knew Earlier

Building up a quarterly stream of passive income through shares of dividend-paying stocks is a dream for many investors, but a lot of people approach it the wrong way. You can't expect to build up a huge amount of passive revenue overnight, and you'll need to have the right strategy to accumulate shares of dividend stocks that will be stable in the long term.

Let's examine three passive-income secrets to bolster your dividend flows and ensure that they aren't eroded.

The most important passive-income secret is that you don't need to actually accept any dividends in the form of cash if you'd prefer to make a larger amount of cash down the line. By setting up a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), you can keep adding to your position automatically quarter after quarter, meaning that you'll have more shares producing dividend income than you would if you had spent the money rather than reinvesting it.

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Source Fool.com