3 Pros and 2 Cons of Working in Retirement

A 2021 survey by Natixis Investment Managers concludes that 42% of savers worry they won't have the option to retire. Notably, the group behind that percentage includes retirement savers with $100,000 to $450,000 in investable assets -- people who've already made headway building their savings. The percentage could be much higher among those who have less than $100,000 on hand.

The logical solution for underfunded retirement savers is to keep on working. If you've dreamed of retirement as carefree days filled with hobbies and quality time, the idea of continuing to work may be hard to stomach. There are definitively drawbacks to working in retirement -- but there are positives, too.

You can make the right plan for your senior years by evaluating both sides, as objectively as you can. Start with this list of three pros and two cons of working in retirement.

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Source Fool.com