3 Reasons Index Funds Can Be the Best Investments For Retirees

Retirees need to have at least some of their money invested in the market, but that can be easier said than done if you don't like picking stocks or are worried about the volatility in the current market due to COVID-19.

The good news is, you don't have to find yourself with a second career as a stock expert in retirement to ensure you've got sufficient equity exposure in a well-balanced portfolio that presents a reasonable level of risk. You can just invest in index funds instead. 

Index funds are investments that track market indexes, generally by investing in all of the components included in whatever index they're tracking. There are index funds that track the performance of the S&P 500, the Nasdaq, large caps or small caps, international stocks, specific industries, and even bonds. Here are three reasons why buying into some of them can be the ideal move for part of your retirement account money. 

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Source Fool.com