3 Reasons Why Novavax Is a Better Stock to Buy Than Moderna

Choosing between Novavax (NASDAQ: NVAX) and Moderna (NASDAQ: MRNA) might seem like a slam dunk in Moderna's favor. Based on market cap, Moderna is more than 16 times larger than Novavax. Moderna is generating a lot more revenue and earnings than Novavax is. It has a much broader pipeline as well. 

But this decision is absolutely not a slam dunk for Moderna. Actually, to extend the basketball analogy, it might even be more of a layup for Novavax. Here are three reasons why Novavax is a better stock to buy than Moderna right now.

Moderna's shares will likely enjoy at least a modest bump from the booster vaccine it's developing that targets the coronavirus omicron variant. There probably will even be two separate positive catalysts -- one when the U.S. government orders additional doses from Moderna that include the omicron boosters, and another when the company wins Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the boosters.

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