3 Reasons You Shouldn't Give Up on Boston Properties

Commercial real estate (CRE) was rocked at the start of the pandemic. Mandated closures, lack of in-store business, and essentially no travel wrecked the retail, hotel and lodging, office, and entertainment industries. The majority of these industries are making a huge comeback, with business at or above pre-pandemic levels; that is, with the exception of office space.

The ability to work from home has motivated companies to reevaluate the need for office space and is putting the future of office space into question. This is not great news for Boston Properties (NYSE: BXP), one of the largest office REITs having ownership and interest in 201 office properties in some of the most popular cities of the United States.

Share prices just recently exceeded pre-pandemic levels, taking two full years to recover from its 40% fall back in March of 2020. While the company certainly has a questionable future, here are three reasons not to give up on Boston Properties just yet.

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Source Fool.com