3 Reasons to Buy Arrival Stock, and 1 Reason to Avoid

After Tesla's success, enthusiastic investors are looking for the next big thing in electric vehicles. Obviously, that could be difficult. However, investors willing to set reasonable expectations for their investments could find some hidden gems in this hyped-up space. One promising electric vehicle start-up is Arrival (NASDAQ: ARVL). Several factors make this stock interesting. Let's discuss the top three reasons to buy Arrival stock, and one reason to avoid it.

The first thing that makes Arrival attractive is its cost-competitive manufacturing. A couple of innovative ideas will help Arrival achieve this. To begin with, Arrival's vehicle bodies are not made of steel. Instead, the company uses a composite material that uses polypropylene (which is used in making plastics) and glass fiber. This not only makes the vehicle lightweight, but also eliminates the need for a paint shop in the factory. The manufacturing process also avoids stamping and welding.

Image source: Arrival.

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