As the world's second-largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum (CRYPTO:ETHhas a following that may even be stronger in some ways than that of Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC). The Ethereum blockchain happens to be the building block upon which a range of stable coins, dApps, decentralized exchanges, and NFT exchanges (we'll get to that in a minute) are built on.

Investors who bought into Ethereum five years ago are currently up more than 270-fold. That kind of incredible capital appreciation is extremely rare within any asset class. However, even after this historic run, there's reason to believe that Ethereum could still have plenty of upside ahead for long-term investors. That is, assuming Ethereum can find a way to swap with Bitcoin, taking over the top spot in the crypto world. That event -- called "the flippening" -- is something many in the crypto space have predicted for a very long time.

Let's discuss three reasons why Ethereum remains a top pick of many crypto investors right now.

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