3 Reasons to Buy QuantumScape Stock, and 1 Reason to Sell

More than 200 years since the battery was invented, and over 100 years since first being commercialized on a large scale, battery technology is more important than ever. For these big developments taking place, thank the automotive industry (along with some nudging from various governments and organizations around the world, not to mention Tesla's financial success). Automakers are trying to make a pivot from internal combustion engines (ICE) to electric vehicles (EVs) powered by lithium-ion batteries.

But there are big technology problems that still need to be solved that could add fuel to the EV fire (not literally, since an EV fire is no bueno). Enter QuantumScape (NYSE: QS), which continues to plug away at its "battery technology platform" with key automaker partners.

2023 was a wild year for QuantumScape's stock. There are reasons for optimism, but also one big red flag investors need to be mindful of. The thesis surrounding investing in QuantumScape boils down to three primary reasons.

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Source Fool.com