3 Reasons to Buy Tezos Right Now

In the world of blockchain and crypto, keeping an eye on developer conferences can go a long way in helping to understand the future trajectory of a particular crypto. And that's why the recent Tezos (CRYPTO: XTZ) developers conference in Paris, which wrapped up on July 23, is so important if you are thinking about adding XTZ to your crypto portfolio.

In addition to the typical news and updates about technical upgrades, the TezDev event provided a comprehensive look at what it means to build on top of the Tezos blockchain. Tezos has a world-class proof-of-stake blockchain, but many people may not be aware of what it offers and what types of real-world companies are using it. The TezDev conference helped to highlight these opportunities and strengthen the overall investment thesis for Tezos.

First and most importantly, Tezos outlined its vision to become one of the fastest blockchains in the world by mid-2023. The centerpiece of this vision is the ability to process 1 million transactions per second on the Tezos blockchain. To give you an idea of how super-fast this is, Visa can only process 65,000 transactions per second. 

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Source Fool.com