3 Reasons to Buy Walt Disney Stock and 1 Reason to Hesitate

Walt Disney's (NYSE: DIS) stock got crushed at the pandemic onset. The House of Mouse relies heavily on bringing groups of people together in person, so it's no surprise that the business would suffer during a worldwide outbreak of a contagious disease. 

In the two-plus years since the pandemic was declared, the world has made solid progress in battling it and many countries are finding ways to return to some level of normalcy, even if they are still guarded against further outbreaks. Governments are removing business restrictions, and many are cautiously returning to pre-pandemic enjoyments.

The trend toward normalcy is working in Disney's favor, and investors are once again curious about the company (and the stock). For those curious investors, here are three reasons to consider buying Disney and one reason to be hesitant. 

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Source Fool.com