3 Reasons to Invest in Dividend-Paying Stocks for Retirement

Dividend stocks are an important part of most retirement portfolios. These stocks have a unique set of features that are important for investors in their golden years. Don't ignore these three benefits when you're setting up your retirement plan.

Cash flow is the name of the game in retirement planning. You'll stop working one day, but you won't stop spending money. That void needs to be filled with income from new sources.

Social Security is the most important source of income for most retirees. The average monthly benefit will be $1,657 in 2022, so many households will require more to meet their needs. One-third of people who retire today have pensions, and those generally add $10,000 to $20,000 to annual cash flow. You'll usually have to rely on your own investments for any additional income.

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Source Fool.com