Being an investor hasn't been particularly easy in the current bear market, but savvy investors also know that taking advantage of today's bargain prices can lead to life-changing returns over the long term. Investing in companies that offer essential services and, at the same time, have a long runway to grow can be a smart way to maximize upside while limiting downside. One business that fits the bill is MongoDB (NASDAQ: MDB)

MongoDB has crushed the market since going public in 2017, producing returns of 678% to shareholders relative to S&P 500's 43%. Here are three reasons why buying MongoDB shares now can potentially lead to similar rewards for long-term investors. 

What do people do anytime they are looking to buy a product, subscribe to a service, or learn information on any topic? They reach for their mobile phone or computer. We're living in a digital-first world. And businesses, in line with consumers' preferences, have pivoted quickly to create an online presence. Not only are they simply creating consumer-facing websites and apps, but they're also automating the behind-the-scenes processes such as orders to suppliers, delivery of products, and processing of payments. 

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