3 Robinhood Stocks That Turned $200,000 Into $1 Million in 2021

There's little question that one of the standout themes of 2021 was the rise of the retail investor. Even though John and Jane Q. Public have been putting their money to work on Wall Street for more than a century, they rocked the boat more this year than ever before.

This retail crowd has been especially drawn to online investing app Robinhood (NASDAQ: HOOD), which offers commission-free trades, fractional share investing, and parses out free shares of stock to new members trading on the platform.

Among the 100 most-held stocks on the platform are three Robinhood stocks that completely blew the doors off Wall Street's expectations for the year. If retail investors put $200,000 to work in these popular Robinhood plays to begin the year, or when they first began trading in 2021, they'd be sitting on $1 million or more as of today.

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Source Fool.com