3 Silver Linings for Battered Cruise Line Stock Investors

The cruise line industry is sailing in choppy and uncharted waters these days. Carnival (NYSE: CCL) (NYSE: CUK)Royal Caribbean (NYSE: RCL), and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NYSE: NCLH) haven't taken on new passengers since mid-March, and late last week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention extended the no-sail order to operate within U.S. territorial waters for as long as 100 more days if the public health emergency isn't cleared.

The near-term outlook is brutal, and the cruise lines are one of the few pandemic-battered industries that won't be able to score a spot in line for the U.S. government bailout. The current interruption, inevitable global recession, and industry-tarnishing events will make it hard for Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and NCL to return to their former glory anytime soon. But things still don't have to end badly for today's hammered investors. Let's go over a few of the potentially upbeat scenarios.

Image source: Royal Caribbean.

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