3 Simple Ways to Make $50,000 in Passive Income With Real Estate

Earning $50,000 a year in passive income -- money you don't have to physically work for to earn -- may seem like a pipe dream right now. But with a little bit of money and some strategic investments in real estate, that lofty goal could be a lot closer than you may think.

Real estate has unique benefits thanks to its ability to use leverage and the opportunity for passive income to grow over time. While you certainly need some capital upfront to get to the $50,000 mark, here are three simple ways you can do it.

Rental real estate is a time-tested method for passive real estate investing. It's a strategy that can increase income exponentially over time thanks to the power of leverage. As the investor and owner, you only have to make an upfront investment of 20% to purchase the property, while borrowing the rest. The tenant pays for the remaining expenses, maintenance, and mortgage for the home. Any cash left over after those costs is passive income you receive each month. 

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Source Fool.com