3 Stay-at-Home Tech Stocks to Buy Right Now

There isn't much any of us can do in large groups these days. Concert venues are closed, many movie theaters remain shuttered, and many large, outside events have been canceled thanks to COVID-19. With so many restrictions on where people work, how they have fun, and where they can be social, many technology companies have offered up solutions to our pandemic-induced work and entertainment woes. 

Three companies in particular, Shopify (NYSE: SHOP), Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), and Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), are actually growing during the pandemic as their products and services meet the growing needs of the stuck-at-home masses. These tech stocks are more than just flash-in-the-pan stocks that are seeing temporary upside -- each can build wealth for investors years after we kiss COVID goodbye. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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