3 Steps to Claiming the $4,555 Max Monthly Social Security Benefit

It was never intended to be the entirety of your retirement income. Still, for most people, Social Security benefits are an important source of cash in their golden years. And for a lucky few, it can be a relatively rewarding government-run program, with monthly checks as high as $4,555 this year after the recent adjustment for inflation.

But how does one cash in to this degree? Here's what you have to do if you'd like to maximize your eventual Social Security retirement benefits.

There was a time when working for 30 years was a long career. As time marches on, though, so do our lifespans. The average lifespan in the United States now stands at 76.1 years, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control, with plenty of people living far longer than that. That's why it's not unusual for people to work full-time for 40 years these days, if not longer.

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Source Fool.com