3 Stocks That Can Benefit from a Santa Claus Rally

Almost like clockwork, Halloween ended, stores started setting up for the all-important holiday shopping season, and the stock market started what could potentially end up as one heck of an early Santa Claus rally. Of course, as kind as Santa Claus may be, the market is rarely as forgiving over time. As a result, investors would do well to look for stocks that could continue to benefit even after the gift giving season ends.

With that in mind, three Motley Fool contributors went looking for companies whose shares look a bit beaten down, but whose underlying businesses look like they have solid prospects. The expectation is that those are the types of companies that just might benefit from a Santa Claus rally and stay strong even after Santa leaves town. They picked Prudential Financial (NYSE: PRU), Pfizer (NYSE: PFE), and Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH). Read on to find out why, then decide for yourself whether any of them might be a great pick for your holiday stock shopping list.

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