3 Stocks That Can Double in 2023 After Being Cut in Half Last Year

2022 was a generally bad year for stocks, but some got hit much harder than others, and not just speculative growth stocks. Some of the largest and most profitable businesses in their respective industries dramatically underperformed the market.

With that in mind, here are three stocks – all of which were roughly cut in half during the 2022 downturn – that could rebound sharply if the stock market has a strong year in 2023.

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) declined by 47% in 2022, and there were a few good reasons. For one thing, recent sales data shows that consumers are starting to pump the brakes on discretionary spending, and they may continue to do so if we see a recession. And profitability hasn't exactly been at the level investors want to see in recent quarters due to cost increases and supply chain issues.

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Source Fool.com