The best type of stocks to own are those that can carry on compounding your wealth or dishing out rising dividends without you breaking a sweat. These businesses qualify to sit comfortably in your investment portfolio for years or even decades. While growth stocks may hog the limelight as investors chase capital gains, what many may not know is that boring but dependable stocks can still do extremely well in the long term as they deliver sustainable dividends amid a steadily rising stock price.

But which type of stocks qualify to be long-term winners that you can buy and hold forever? In my book, these businesses need to possess a strong competitive moat with a large and sticky customer base, display a solid track record of growing their revenue and profits, and pay out growing dividends to boot. Owning such stocks for the long term means you can not only grow your retirement fund but also generate an increasing stream of passive income to sustain your lifestyle.

Here are three stocks that are great candidates for you to own forever.

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