3 Stocks Your Children Will Brag About Someday

Like a fine wine or a family heirloom, the best stocks only get better with age. Investing in great companies will build wealth over the long run that you can pass down to your children and grandchildren. After all, many of today's most valuable companies were just starting up a generation or two ago, so tomorrow's titans of industry are available on the cheap today. If you're looking for stocks that could one day make your children rich, take a look at these three recommendations from three of our Motley Fool investors: Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX)Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA), and Vail Resorts (NYSE: MTN).

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Danny Vena (Netflix): Just 10 years ago, it would have been difficult to imagine the changes that would occur in media consumption over the coming decade, and the birth of streaming has changed the entertainment landscape forever. Netflix started it all, and its investors have been richly rewarded -- and I think it's just the beginning.

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Source: Fool.com