2030: It's only 13 years away. At the same time, 2030 can seem like an eternity away to investors. Technology and innovation have been disrupting businesses forever, but it seems as if the pace of disruption has increased in recent years, putting more and more companies at risk of getting left in the dust. 

And while it might seem that way, there are plenty of companies with real and sustainable advantages that have lasted for decades and are likely to last for decades more. Here are three that some of our contributing investors particularly like as not only being around in 2030, but also thriving between now and then. Keep reading to learn why Hormel Foods Corp. (NYSE: HRL)Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE: WM), and BofI Holding, Inc. (NASDAQ: BOFI) are three stocks we especially like for the world of 2030. 

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Source: Fool.com