3 Stocks to Build Your Portfolio Around

Building an investment portfolio can be compared to the construction of a building. A building comes up brick by brick after a solid foundation is laid, ensuring that the structure can stand up to the elements and adverse weather conditions. Similarly, the construction of a portfolio should also be done gradually. A strong foundation is necessary to ensure the portfolio can withstand economic turmoil and tough challenges such as the stress brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In selecting suitable companies to form the portfolio's base, I prefer to look out for a combination of growth and dividends. Ideally, the selection should also contain companies with a strong, recognizable brand name and clear catalysts for the business to continue its growth trajectory. You should also account for any new trends that have emerged because of COVID-19, bearing in mind the pandemic may permanently alter certain habits and practices.

Here are three stocks that have the attributes mentioned above that you may consider purchasing as part of your starter investment portfolio.

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Source Fool.com