3 Stocks to Help Millennials Reach Their Goals

If you thought the baby boomers knew how to run an economy, just wait until the millennials take their place. More than 90 million young Americans fit that label, and the boomers stopped short at just 77 million.

This is a cultural sea change, driving huge differences in how Americans make, manage, and spend their money. With that in mind, young investors are placing their first stock orders in the middle of a missive market change. So, we asked a few of the best investors here at The Motley Fool how millennials should get started in the stock market.

Our panelists pulled out their big guns for this one. Read on to see why they recommend young Americans to invest in household names Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN)JPMorgan (NYSE: JPM), and Facebook (NASDAQ: FB).

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Source: Fool.com