3 Things About Bristol-Myers Squibb That Smart Investors Know

When it comes to large and fairly complicated companies such as Bristol-Myers Squibb, (NYSE: BMY), the most knowledgeable investors tend to see a lot of things that casual observers miss. Whether it's something subtle with the timing of when new sources of revenue are anticipated to come on line, or a key pillar of a business' future strategy that won't show up in a glance at the financial metrics, it's worth understanding the finer points if you're considering an investment.

With that perspective in hand, let's explore three less-than-obvious things about Bristol-Myers that smart investors probably know, so that you'll have the benefit of their observations.

Smart investors appreciate that Bristol-Myers isn't going to be expanding very much in the near term as a result of one of its big-earning medicines losing its exclusivity protections. 

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Source Fool.com