3 Things Investors Will Love About GE Healthcare (and 1 Thing They Won't)

GE Healthcare Technologies (NASDAQ: GEHC) is the new kid on the block in the healthcare industry. It spun off from General Electric in January, and it has started to pop up on investors' radars. The company has a diverse business, and its imaging and ultrasound machines are well-known in the industry.

There are many positives about the business. Here are three of the biggest, as well as one reason why you may be inclined to think twice about investing in the stock.

In 2022, GE Healthcare reported net income of just under $2 billion. On revenue of $18.3 billion, that comes out to an impressive profit margin of around 11%. That's a solid result that could make it easy for GE Healthcare to reinvest in its business as it grows, and it also gives it a buffer in case costs rise, as it can still turn a profit amid headwinds.

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