3 Things You Need to Know About the Dow's 234-Point Drop

Welcome back from Labor Day weekend... sort of. For bulls, the shortened week got off on the wrong foot, with the always iconic Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI) falling 234 points on Tuesday, Sept. 5. At one point during Tuesday's trading session, the Dow troughed at a low of minus-278.

What precipitated the notable move lower in the Dow? While Hurricane Harvey hangover could take a portion of the blame, most of the concern ties to the detonation of an alleged hydrogen bomb in North Korea over the weekend. It's no secret that the United States and North Korea are enemies, and a lack of recent diplomacy between both countries, coupled with strong rhetoric by Defense Secretary James Mattis and President Trump, have investors concerned that a conflict may be unavoidable. Wall Street loathes uncertainty, and North Korea's weekend nuclear test created a lot of new uncertainties for the investment world to digest.

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Source: Fool.com