3 Things You Shouldn't Do if the Stock Market Crashes

Along the investing path, you'll come across great times such as bull markets, but you'll also stumble into tougher times such as market crashes. These moments -- the positive and the negative -- are all part of the investing story.

But the good news is, by investing over the long-term, the positive well outweighs the negative, and a look at the performance of the three major indexes over time is proof of that. After market crashes, they've all gone on to recover and gain. This means your portfolio can do the same -- especially if you make the right decisions at the time of a market crash.

Why think about this now? Because, today, during a market rally, you can calmly consider this idea of a crash and put a plan into place. To get started, here are three things you shouldn't do if the stock market crashes.

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Source Fool.com