3 Things to Know About Aurora Cannabis' Fourth-Quarter Guidance

Although earnings season never really ends, it's about to ramp up in a big way for the cannabis industry. Among the dozens of pot stocks slated to report in the weeks to come, perhaps none has the attention of Wall Street more than Aurora Cannabis (NYSE: ACB).

The fact that all eyes are on Aurora should surprise absolutely no one. Aurora Cannabis is the most-held stock on online investing app Robinhood, and the company is projected to be Canada's production leader. Already producing at an annual run rate of 150,000 kilos as of the end of March, Aurora has guided investors to expect annual run-rate output of at least 625,000 kilos by the end of fiscal 2020 (June 30, 2020). When all 15 of its grow farms are fully operational, in excess of 700,000 kilos a year of cannabis production is very feasible.

Image source: Getty Images.

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