3 Top Augmented Reality Stocks You Should Consider Buying

When Niantic's Pokemon Go game launched in early 2016, it helped bring augmented reality (AR) to the forefront of many consumers' minds. And while the hype around catching virtual Pikachus in a public park has subsided a bit, the idea that AR could be one of the next transformational technologies hasn't. Augmented reality technology overlays computer-generated images on a person's view of the real world, and it's used for much more than games.

AR is still in its early stages, but augmented reality glasses and software are already being used as a tool to train workers on how to repair manufacturing equipment and to teach new surgeons how to best perform their jobs. It's no wonder, then, that AR has the potential to become a $61 billion market by 2023, according to Research and Markets.  

There are plenty of companies pivoting to this growing AR market. Taking the lead are Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), and Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), and they are likely to see a lot of growth from AR in the coming years.

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Source: Fool.com