Healthy dividends and growth are the investing world's version of good looks and a great personality, but there are a few stocks out there that fit the bill. Companies offering chunky payouts are typically not fast growers, but there are a few that are in the process of growing their bottom lines at a hearty clip while also rewarding shareholders with steady trickles of income.

I've run a screen looking for stocks that expect to grow their earnings per share by at least 20% next year with yields north of 3%. It generated just a few dozen results, and to be fair most of them are eyeing strong double-digit percentage earnings growth next year because they took a step back in 2017. One can argue that it's easy to take a big step up off of depressed results a year earlier, but it's still an encouraging sign that things are starting to come together. Let's take a look at three of the stocks -- TiVo (NASDAQ: TIVO), Cedar Fair (NYSE: FUN), and Rent-A-Center (NASDAQ: RCII) with decent payouts where analysts see a return to strong earnings growth in 2018.

Image source: Cedar Fair. 

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