3 Top Metaverse Stocks to Buy Now

The metaverse has taken a back seat in terms of media attention and investor sentiment about the future of the technology. However, companies continue to pour billions of dollars into the hardware and software that will allow people to connect in a virtual space. That suggests there might still be some investment opportunity to be had here.

If you're interested in the companies leading the way on the metaverse, three big tech companies should be front and center in your research. (NASDAQ: AAPL), Meta Platforms (NASDAQ: META), and Unity Software (NYSE: U) are the standout leaders in the metaverse today.

Whether it intends it or not, Apple is a leader in the metaverse. The company creates and sells some of the devices consumers will use to interact virtually, whether that's smartphones and computers or next-generation virtual reality headsets like the Vision Pro.

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Source Fool.com