3 Top Mid-Cap Stocks to Buy Now

It's easy for good opportunities in mid-cap stocks to go unnoticed by investors. Stocks with a market capitalization between $2 billion and $10 billion are sort of tweeners by definition. They often don't get the attention in the press that the market giants get, and they also can be overlooked by investors searching the small-cap universe for the giants of tomorrow.

But the best mid-cap stocks are proven businesses on their way to becoming large companies. They've already graduated from small-company status. While they may still be prioritizing investment for growth over making profits, they usually have mature business models that savvy investors can recognize as winning formulas.

The three stocks below are established businesses that are performing well in today's challenging business environment. One is a conservative choice and two are growing at breakneck speed, but all three are well positioned to succeed in 2021, regardless of the speed of the recovery.

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Source Fool.com