3 Top Mid-Cap Stocks to Buy Right Now

Mid-cap stocks -- defined as those with a market cap between $2 billion and $10 billion -- are companies that have already had some early success growing their business. Many of them are far from finished, though, with the mid-cap distinction a simple milestone on the way to large-cap stock status; many are leading their respective industries in market share dominance. Three such stocks worth a look right now are Arista Networks (NYSE: ANET), Anaplan (NYSE: PLAN), and Redfin (NASDAQ: RDFN).

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With a current market cap of $17 billion, Arista Networks is technically too big for the official (if arbitrary) mid-cap stock definition. But this is still a small firm, especially when compared to the massive $167 billion market cap its large competitor Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) carries. 

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