3 Top Tech Stocks to Buy Right Now

A falling stock price doesn't automatically mean it's a bad investment. It's important to remember that stocks are more than ticker symbols and numbers on a screen; they are little pieces of real businesses.

Admittedly, it's not fun to see your investments fall. You may start asking yourself: "Why didn't I just wait to buy it lower?" Volatility in stocks can be pretty humbling, especially after a stretch like early last year when it seemed investors could pick any stock and make money.

We're in an unofficial bear market, and many high-growth and technology stocks have lost most of their value over the past six to 12 months. Bear markets aren't picky; typically, everything goes down. Let's take a closer look at three great companies that got caught up in the broader market sell-off and have fallen to "fire sale" prices.

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Source Fool.com