3 Types of Cryptocurrencies to Avoid If Security Is Your Priority

It's not uncommon to hear about frauds, hacks, and scams involving crypto. The latest twist involves AI-generated deepfakes attempting to scam people out of their Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC). So it's perhaps no surprise that security is top of mind for many crypto investors these days.

In the 2024 Cryptocurrency Investor Trends and Preferences Survey conducted by The Ascent (a division of The Motley Fool), among respondents who hadn't put money into crypto, the most-cited reason, at 35%, was security concerns. In addition, 28% pointed to the lack of a clear regulatory framework, and 24% said "crypto is a scam." All of those concerns speak to the broader question of these assets' safety as investments. (People could select multiple responses.)

With that in mind, here's a closer look at three types of cryptocurrencies to avoid if security is your priority.

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Source Fool.com