3 Unforgettable Lessons I Learned From the Oil Price Crash

After dipping back into the $40s earlier this year, crude prices have come roaring back and are currently in the upper $50s. While that's a far cry from where they were a few years ago, the oil market is in a better place today than it has been for quite some time. Because of that, optimism and a sense of normalcy are starting to return to the sector.

However, before we bid adieu to the oil market downturn, I thought now would be a good time to reflect on some of the investing lessons I learned from the oil price crash. While painful at the time, these nuggets of wisdom will make me a better investor in the future because I'm much more aware of the red flags that can quickly obliterate a once-promising investment.

With the oil market starting to thaw, its time to look back at what drove some of my biggest mistakes. Image source: Getty Images.

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Source: Fool.com