3 Value Stocks for Bold Investors

There are a number of reasons seemingly good stocks get beaten down. Sometimes, those reasons represent outstanding opportunities for investors bold enough to take a chance. Three that come to mind are beleaguered chip giant Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM), amusement park mainstay Cedar Fair (NYSE: FUN), and transportation logistics leader and precious metals upstart McEwen Mining (NYSE: MUX).

Tim Brugger (Qualcomm): At first glance, Qualcomm may appear to be an unattractive stock, even for bold investors. With legal snafus still pending -- though some, including the patent licensing allegations by South Korea, have been settled -- some investors may think there are too many questions and not enough answers. That is exactly why Qualcomm is worth a look.

As expected, Qualcomm's fiscal third quarter was negatively affected by longtime customer Apple's decision to not pay its suppliers, which in turn didn't pay Qualcomm. Last quarter's $5.4 billion in sales was an 11% drop compared to 2016. And excluding one-time items, earnings per share sank 28% to $0.83 versus last year's $1.16.

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Source: Fool.com