3 Ways the Pandemic Is Influencing the Metaverse Boom

Many of us wish we could turn back the clock, reset the world to a simpler time, a time before the words "COVID-19" and "pandemic" were part of daily conversation. Wouldn't it be great if there was a world where touching a stranger might not mean risking a potentially life-threatening illness? People miss life the way it was before the coronavirus pandemic upended social life as we knew it.

It just so happens that we have that power, of a sort, and our need to escape a pandemic-burdened world is propelling us forward into a disease-free alternative reality. Of course, I mean that we're all headed into the metaverse to do almost anything imaginable, both exotic and routine.

The pandemic has had a huge influence on the metaverse real estate boom, although we may not fully realize it.

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Source Fool.com