3 Ways to Invest in Virtual and Augmented Reality

Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) is still a small industry. According to tech researcher IDC, global spending on AR/VR was $10.5 billion in 2019. Although the coronavirus pandemic has cast some doubt on short-term outcomes, IDC was predicting late last year that there would be a surge in global AR/VR spending to some $18.8 billion in 2020. That would be some impressive growth if it panned out.

The problem is that there are few viable investment options in AR/VR that are pure-play companies. However, existing technologists are investing in the next-gen digital viewing format and should reap handsome rewards if it continues to take off. Three companies that are worth a look are Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA), and PTC (NASDAQ: PTC)

Facebook is one of the leaders of the AR/VR movement via its Oculus subsidiary, which it acquired back in 2014 for $2 billion. The Oculus Rift headset (which requires a PC) and the Quest headset (a freestanding unit) are best-known for video game and entertainment use, but the business world is also a fast-growing application. The Oculus for Business platform includes a Quest headset, helping organizations put together virtual training modules and build collaborative work environments.  

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Source Fool.com