3 Ways to Prevent Social Security Garnishment

For most retirees, Social Security benefits are a significant percentage of their monthly income, so the threat of having that money garnished by a creditor is a pretty frightening one. Fortunately, you don't just have to stand by and let it happen -- there are steps you can take to protect your Social Security benefits.

If a debt collector wins a lawsuit against you, they can ask the judge to issue a court order requiring your bank to turn over the money in your bank account. However, Social Security benefits get special protection from such action -- if they are direct-deposited into your bank account. By federal law, the bank must protect two months' worth of your direct-deposited Social Security benefits from most creditors (the exceptions are debts to the federal government and child or spousal support debts).

But if you get your Social Security benefits via a paper check, you get no such protection.

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Source: Fool.com