3 Widely Owned Dow Stocks Prominent Billionaires Are Selling

You may not realize it, but one of the most-important data releases of the third quarter occurred two weeks ago today.

August 14 was the final day for investment managers with at least $100 million in assets under management to file Form 13F with the Securities and Exchange Commission. A 13F provides an under-the-hood look at what Wall Street's most prominent and successful money managers were buying and selling in the most recent quarter (in this instance, April 1, 2023-June 30, 2023).

Although 13Fs have their drawbacks -- they're at least six weeks old when filed, meaning fund managers may have added to or sold off published positions -- they provide insight into the stocks, trends, industries, and sectors that are piquing the interest of Wall Street's top investors.

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Source Fool.com