46% of Warren Buffett's Portfolio Is Invested in This Stock. Does That Mean You Should Buy Now?

Warren Buffett is considered one of the greatest investors of all time. If you invested $10,000 in the A shares of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway 30 years ago, you'd have nearly $330,000 today. That's an incredible return, and it makes many investors curious about how Buffett and his team generated those results.

While Berkshire Hathaway owns companies -- or parts of companies -- that investors can't purchase shares in because they are not publicly traded, it also has a large investment portfolio many turn to for ideas. Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) is the largest holding in its portfolio, accounting for an incredible 46%. Should investors follow the Oracle of Omaha's example. 

When Berkshire Hathaway first purchased Apple stock in the first quarter of 2016, I don't think anyone knew of the upside it contained. From the start of 2016 to now, Apple's stock has a total return of over 600%, easily outperforming the market. This performance also helped supercharged Berkshire Hathaway's returns, as the stock has risen 176% compared to the S 500's 141% rise. 

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Source Fool.com