47% of Warren Buffett's $375 Billion Portfolio Is Invested in 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks

If you've ever wondered why Wall Street professionals and everyday investors pay so much attention to Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) CEO Warren Buffett, just take a closer look at his track record since taking the reins in 1965. He's overseen an aggregate gain in Berkshire's Class A shares (BRK.A) of 4,362,780% as of the closing bell on Aug. 3, 2023.

What's great about the Oracle of Omaha is there are no secrets. Between Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholder meetings and media interviews, he's been more than willing to share what factors he looks for when making investments, such as sustained moats, recurring profits, and trusted management teams.

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett. Image source: The Motley Fool.

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