4 Habits of Retirement Super Savers

Are you one of the 67% of Americans worried about your financial future? There's plenty of reason for worry, given that nearly half of all Americans don't have any retirement savings, according to a new study from The Economic Policy Institute. 

While most Americans are far off the path toward retirement security, there are some who are doing great. In particular, a group of young people who have been dubbed "retirement supersavers" are speeding their way toward prosperity -- thanks to the fact that they're contributing at least 90% of the annual 401(k) contribution limit -- currently $18,000 per year. A study conducted by Principal Financial Group recently took a close look at what these super-savers are sacrificing to max out their 401(k) contributions and take advantage of the tax savings this employer-sponsored retirement account offers. The study found there are four habits many super savers have in common. 

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Source: Fool.com