4 Manager Mistakes to Avoid During the COVID-19 Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic hasn't just changed the way we live; it's also impacted the way we work. With health experts pleading with Americans to practice social distancing, many employers have shifted employees to remote setups.

It's a smart move from a health perspective, but a tricky situation to adjust to. As a manager, however, it's your job to help ensure that things run as smoothly as possible during these turbulent times. With that in mind, here are a few mistakes to avoid at all costs during the ongoing crisis.

It's easy to let employees go off and work independently when they're out of sight. But just because you're not observing issues or hearing complaints doesn't mean that your team is content. You may have employees who are struggling with remote access to internal systems, or who are having communication issues with colleagues that are resulting in project delays. That's why it's so important to check in with your team regularly.

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Source Fool.com