4 Reasons Why Streaming Is Faring Better Than Cable During the COVID Pandemic

For most industries, the COVID-19 pandemic means that 2020 has been anything but business-as-usual. And, in most industries, that's a bad thing. But some companies and industries have been exceptions to the grim rule. Tech companies in general and teleconferencing technologies, in particular, are looking relatively healthy thanks to new realities in the working world.

And it's not just at work that the world is changing. Another business space seems poised to do relatively well amid the COVID-19 pandemic: television entertainment. As this pandemic entered the United States, Nielsen predicted a surge in TV viewing. Many (including us) expected that to benefit streaming and pay TV providers alike. But what has been a relatively good couple of months for streaming giants like Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) has been brutal for pay-TV providers like Verizon. Why? Here are four good reasons.

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