4 Reasons the Stock Market Could Crash in January

A truly wild year on Wall Street is about to come to a close -- and it'll unbelievably be on a high note. Following a train wreck in the first quarter that saw the benchmark S&P 500 lose over a third of its value in a month, the broader market has spent much of the past nine months in rally mode. When we officially cross the finish line in four days, it'll probably be with the S&P 500 higher by a double-digit percentage.

However, tenured investors know all too well how fickle the stock market can be. Crashes and stock market corrections are a normal occurrence, and they represent the price of admission to the greatest wealth creator on the planet. Come January 2021, it's quite possible the investment community could witness yet another stock market crash.

Here are four potential catalysts that could roil equities early in the New Year.

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Source Fool.com