4 Reasons to Buy Enterprise Products Partners Stock Like There's No Tomorrow

One of the stocks I've personally owned for the longest time is Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE: EPD), having first bought it back in 2008. Despite owning the stock for over 15 years, I think it is still one of the most attractive high-yield energy stocks to buy today.

Let's look at four reasons why, if I didn't already own it, I'd be buying the stock today like there is no tomorrow.

If you've ever heard the descriptor "sleep well at night stock," Enterprise is the epitome of that term. The company has been one of the most consistent operational performers over the past two decades of any stock in any industry. This stems from its largely fee-based contract structure, which historically has made up about 85% of its gross operating profits, with about half of its fee-based revenue coming from take-or-pay contracts, where the company gets paid whether its customers use its service or not.

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Source Fool.com